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Social Science Sample Paper 2 class - Xth (latest )

Sample Paper of Social Science 

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Section-A (1 marks each)

1. Who among the following recognises parties as a National or State Party?
a) President
b) Prime minister
c) Parliament
d) Election Commission

Lack of internal democracy is the challenge faced by ............. .
a) National Party
b) Regional Party
c) Political Party
d) None of these

2. Which one of the following organisation brought World Development Report? 
a) World economic forum 
b) World Bank 
c) IMF 
d) Assian Development Bank 


An important factor causing Globalization is 
a) Expansion of markets 
b) Technological developments 
c) More income
d) Urbanisation

3. When was Non- Cooperation and Khilafat Movement started ?
In which Congress Session the resolution of Purna Swaraj was adopted?

4. Define the term 'liberalisatiom' .

5. Why were several people gathered in the Jallianwalla Bagh, Amritsar on 13th April, 1919?

6. The president of Muslim League in 1930 was .............. .

7. Choose the correct option from the column I and column II.
8. Complete the following table with correct information with regard to cultivation of maize :

9.Which of the following means that development should take place without damaging the environment and development and present should not compromise with the need of future generation.
a) Economic Development 
b) Human Development 
c) Environment development 
d) Sustainable Development

10. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion and Reason .Read the statements and select the correct option.
Assertion- conservative regimes set up in Europe were autocratic.
Reason - The rulers didn't tolerate criticism and dissent and sought to curb activities that questioned the legitimacy of autocratic governments.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A .
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true and R is false.
d) A is false and R is true.

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11. Find the incorrect option.
a) Primary sector is directly associated with nature.
b) Primary sector includes the production of raw material and basic foods.
c) Activities associated with primary sector 
include agriculture, mining , banking, transport and so on.
d) Primary activities /sector supports the secondary sector of economy.

12. Correct the following statement and rewrite it.
Mahatma Gandhi found that salt was powerful symbol that could unite the nation. He wrote a letter to Viceroy Dalhousie urging 12 demands which included a demand to abolish the salt tax.

In the countryside, rich peasants communities like the party dance of Uttar Pradesh and Jats of Haryana were enthusiastic supporters of civil disobedience movement.

13. Which region is ruled over by the Habsburg Empire?
a) Spain - Portugal
b) Scotland - Ireland 
c) Austria - Hungary
d) France - Netherlands 

14. ........... are the primary road systems and are constructed and maintained by the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) under NHAI's supervision.

15. Which of the following soil is more common in Piedmont plains such as Duars ,Chos and Terai.
a) Black soil
b) Alluvial soil
c) Laterite soil
d) Red soil

16. Identify the correct reason for low production of jute.
a) It needs well drained fertile soils.
b) It needs food plains that should be renewed every years .
c) Loosing it's market to synthetic fibres.
d) Jute mills are not technically advanced.

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Section - B (3 marks each)

17. Which sector is called public sector? Give some examples.

18. What is the main difference between a federal form of government and a unitary form of government ? Explain with an example.

Give any four provisions that have been made after the Constitutional Amendment in 1992 .

19. Explain three different provisions of the Napoleonic Civil Code , 1804 .

Explain the statement that 'the decade of 1830 had brought great economic hardship in Europe'.

20. How credit has its own unique role for development? State any three reasons.

21. What were the majoritarian measures taken in Sri Lanka to establish Sinhala supremacy?

23. Subsistence agriculture is still practiced in certain parts of the country. Give reasons.

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Section - C (4 marks each)
What we know today as Germany , Italy and Switzerland were divided into kingdoms ,duchies and cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories . Eastern and Central Europe were under autocratic monarchies within the territories of which lived diverse peoples. They did not see themselves as sharing a collective identity or a common culture. Often ,they even spoke different languages and belonged to different ethnic groups.
The Habsburg empire that ruled over Austria Hungary, for example , was a patchwork of many different regions and peoples. It included the Alpine regions - the Tyrol , Autria and the Sudetenland - as well as Bohemia, where the aristocracy was predominantly German speaking.it also included the Italian speaking provinces of Lombardy and Venetia. In Hungary, half of the population spoke Magyar while the other half spoken variety of dialects. In Galicia, the boundaries of the empire, a mass of subject peasant peoples - Bohemians and Slovaks to the north, Solvenes in Carniola , Croats to the South , and Roumans to the East in Transylvania . Such difference did not easily promote a sense of political unity. The only tie binding these diverse groups together was a common allegiance to the emperor.
i. Which of the following statement correctly describes the division of Europe into kingdoms ,duchies , cantons ?
a) they were under autocratic monarchies with diverse people
b) they belonged to different as a group we did not share a common culture.
c) devar ambitious and conscious about their identity.
d) both a and b.

ii. Identify the regions ruled by Habsburg empire?
a) Alpine regions i .e. Tyral , Austria and Sudentenland.
b) Bohemia, Lombardy and Venetia
c) Both a and b
d) None of the above.

iii.People under the habsburg empire did not see themselves as sharing the collective unity as they spoke in different language like
a) German , Italian
b) Magyar and Polish
c) French and English
d) both a and b

iv. what was the only reason which bind ethnically different people and Europe.
a) Common culture
b) Common life syle
c) Common allegiance to the emperor 
d) Common relegion ,i.e. the Christianity

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24. Resource planning is a complex process which involves :
i. Identification and inventory of resources across the regions of the country .This involves surveying , mapping and qualitative and quantative estimation and measurement of the resources.
ii. Evolving a planning structure endowed with appropriate technology ,skill and institutional set up for implementing resource development plans .
iii. Matching the resources development plans with overall national development plans .

India has made concerted efforts for achieving the goals of resources planning right from the First Five year plan launched after independence . The availability of resources is a necessary condition for the development of any region, but mere availability of resources in the absence of corresponding changes in technology and institutions may hinder development. There are many regions in our country that are  rich in resources but these are included economically backward regions . On the contrary there are some regions which have a poor resources base but they are economically developed.
i. The sources given above relates to which of the following options?
a) Resources depletion
b) Resources planning 
c) Conservation of resources
d) Soil Erosion

ii. Resources planning is a complex process which involves.
a) Identification and inventory of resources.
b) Evolving a planning structure.
c) Matching the resources development plans with national plans .
d) All of the above.

iii. Identification and inventory of resources across the regions of the country involve ....... ......... .
a) Surveying
b) Mapping
c) Quantitative and qualitative estimation.
d) All of the above.

iv. From which five years plan, India made concerted efforts for achieving the goals of resource planning ?
a) First
b) Second
c) Third
d) Five

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25. In modern democracies, power sharing arrangement can take many forms. Power is shared among different organs of government, such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. Let us call this horizontal distributionof power because it allows different organs of government based that seem level to exercise different powers. Search a separation and sure that none of the organs can exercise unlimited power. Each organ checks the other . This result in a balance of power among various institutions in democracy, what even do ministers and government officials exercise powers, they are responsible to the Parliament or State assemblies. Similarly, although judges are appointed by the executive, they can check the functioning of executive or laws made by the legislatures.  This arrangement is called a system of checks and balances. Power can be shared among governments at different levels ,a general government for the entire country and government at the provincial or regional level. Search a general government for the entire country is usually called Federal government. In India, we refer to it as the central or union government. The government at the provincial or regional level are called by different name in different countries. In India , we call them state governments.
Power may also be shared among different social groups such as the religious and linguistic groups. 'Community government' in Belgium is a good example of this arrangement.in some countries there are constitutional and legal arrangement where was socially weaker sections and women are represented in the legislatures and administration. Power sharing arrangements can also be seen in the way political parties, pressure groups and movements control or influence those in power. In a democracy, the citizens must have freedom to choose among various contenders for powers. In contemporary democracies, this takes the form of competition among different parties.

i.When power is shared among legislature, executive and judiciary in democracy it is known as ............ .
a) Separation of powers
b) horizontal distribution of powers
c) vertical distribution of powers
d) none of the above

ii.ministers and government officials exercise power and judges check the functioning of executive or laws made by the legislature, this is known as
a) separation of powers
b) checks and balances
c) horizontal distributions of power
d) none of the above

iii. When power share among different social group it is known as ........ .
a) Third tier government
b) special government
c) community government
d) none of the above

iv. Power sharing arrangement in democracy are enjoyed by
a) political parties
b) pressure groups
c) movements
d) all of these

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26. Suppose for the present that a particular country is quite developed.we would certainly like this level of development to go of father or at least be maintained for further generation. This is obviously desirable. However, change the second half of the 20 century , a number of scientists have been warning that  the present type , and levels of development and not sustainable.
Groundwater is an example of renewable resources. These resources are replenished by nature as in the case of crops and plants. However, even these resources may be overused.for example in the case of groundwater, if we use more than what is being replenished by rain then we would be over using this resources.
Non renewable resources are those which will get exhausted after years of use. We have fixed the stock on earth which cannot be replenished. We have fixed stock on earth which cannot be replenished we discover new resources that we did not know of earlier. New sources in this way add to the stock. However, over time even this will get exhausted. Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries; this issue is no longer region or nation specific.
Our future is linked together.Sustainability of development is comparatively a new area of knowledge in which scientist, economists ,philosophers and other social scientists are working together. In general, the question of development or progress is perennial.at all times as a member of society and as individuals we need to ask where we want to go, what we wish to become and what are goals are. So the debate on development continues.

i. The sources given above relates to which of the following.
a) Poverty
b) per capita income
c) sustainable development
d) Health Care

ii. Which of the following is an example of renewable resources?
a) Coal
b) Petroleum
c) Ground water
d) Natural gas 

iii. Consequences of which of the following do not respect national or state boundaries?
a) Poverty
b) Unemployment
c) Deforestation
d) Environmental degradation

iv. Non renewable resources are those resources which 
a) can be renewed by physical and chemical process.
b) get exhausted after years of use.
c) are subset of stock
d) are found in a region but have not been utilised.

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Posted by - Anuranjan Gadekar


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