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Social Science sample. paper 1 answersheet class 10th

Social Science sample paper

Answersheet of S.P 1

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Section A (1 marks each)

Ans1. b) Muskmelon

Ans2. c) Security and freedom measures improved by the government.

Ans3. c) By making amendments to the Constitution of Belgium.

Ans4. c) Bodoland People's Front - (iii) Assam

Ans5. a) Our Constitution gave the status of National language to Hindi

Ans6. Madhav is engaged in the unorganised tertiary sector.
Ans6. Secondary sector is a sector of economy which includes those activities in which natural products are changed into other useful forms through machines.q

Ans7. A. Cotton Textile Industry 
B. Iron and Steel industry

Ans8. Decentralization of power is the basic idea behind the power sharing of Indian federalism.
Ans8. India and USA are the two countries which have federal system of government.

Ans9. In 1916, Gandhiji travelled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasant to struggle against oppressive indigo planters.
Ans9. A Khilafat Committee was formed under the leadership of  Maulana Azad, Hakim Ajmal Khan and Hasrat Mohani.

Ans10. Pollution free environment development

Ans11. Trade between two countries is called international trade while local trade is carried in cities, towns and villages.

Ans12. b)

Ans13. Reserve Bank of India
Ans13. Collateral

Ans14. c) Flow resources are also known as developed resources.

Ans15. c) Jawaharlal Nehru port

Ans16. MNCs are attracted for making investments in India because India has abundant natural resources, skilled professionals and educated English speaking people

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Section- B (3 marks each)

Ans17. The three major features of federalism are as follows:-
(i) Different levels of government with separate jurisdiction The government consists of two or more levels for tier which govern the same citizens but each tier has its own jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. Sources of revenue for each level of government are clearly specified to ensure its financial autonomy.
(ii) Jurisdiction guaranteed
The jurisdiction of levels of government are specified in the constitution. So so the existence and authority of each tier of government is constitutionally guaranteed.
(iii) Courts settle Disputes between Levels of Government
Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of government. The highest court act as an umpire, if disputes arise between different levels of government in the exercise of their respective powers.
Ans17. Jila parishad is the highest tier of panchayati Raj system in rural areas. The Zila Parishad coordinates the activities of all the Block Samiti in the whole district.
  • All the panchayat Samitis or Mandals in a district together constitute the Zila Parishad.
  • Most members of the Zila Parishad are elected. Members of the Lok Sabha and the MLAs of the district and some other officials of other district level bodies are also it's members.
  • Zila Parishad chairperson is the political head of the Zila Parishad.
Ans18. The difference between an integrated steel plant and a mini steel plant are as follows:-
(i) Size  An integrated steel plant is much larger than a mini steel plant, as it handles the entire process of Steel manufacturing in one area from the mineral ore to the finished Steel.

(ii) Raw material and Processing
Mini steel plants process steel scrap and sponge iron in an electric Arc furnace, while an integrated steel plant uses raw material such as iron ore, limestone, coke etc for making steel.

(iii) Output
A mini steel plant produces mild and alloy steels, while an integrated steel plant produces basic steel in various forms.

Ans19. The rich peasants communities such as the Patidars from Gujarat and Jats from UP were active in the Civil Disobedience Movement. As they were producers of commercial crops, they were hit hard by the trade depression and falling prices. HDR cash income disappeared they found it impossible to pay the government revenue demand.
These which presents became enthusiastic supporters of the movement and also forced other people to join the movement.
For them, the fight for Swaraj was a struggle against the payment of high revenues. They were highly disappointed when the movement was called off in 1931 without the revenue rates being revised. When the movement restarted in 1932 many of them refused to participate.
Ans19. The Swaraj Party was formed by CR Das and Moti Lal Nehru. The Swaraj Party was formed due to the following reasons :
(i) The Non - Cooperation Movement failed to achieve it's objective of Swaraj.
(ii) Some Congress leaders became tired of mass struggle and wanted to participate in elections to the provincial council's that had been setup by the Government of India Act of 1919.
(iii) They felt that it was important to oppose British policies within the councils, argue for reform and also demonstrate that these council's were not truely democratic.

Ans20. The basic amenities which I want in my locality are as follows:
(i) Sanitation :- The government should ensure that proper sanitation facilities should be available for all the residents of the locality. 
(ii) Education :- The government should organise such programmes which enrol all the students in schools and also make provisions to establish schools with quality education in all localities.
(iii) Provision of Healthcare facilities:- 
The government should provide better health care facilities in the locality where poor people can easily get treatment of any ailment. Thus, Public Health Care centres (PHCs) and dispensaries should be opened in nearby areas.

Ans21. Three reasons for the barter system being considered difficult to trade a commodity are as follows:
(i) There are many products which cannot be divided or subdivided. For example, if the price of a cow is equal to 100 shirts, then a person having one shirt can't exchange it for a part of the cow, as it is not possible to divide the cow into small pieces without destroying its utility.
(ii) Deciding the value of goods is difficult. For example one can offer 1kg price for a pair of shoes where as the shoe owner can demand 2 kg rice for the same shoes.
(iii) Double coincidence of wants is necessary. It means that both parties have to agree to sell and buy each other commodities. Thus, if a farmer wants to sell his rice in exchange for a pair of shoes then he has to find a shoe owner who wants to exchange pair of shoes for rice.

Ans22. There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world because we generally think that democracy can address all socio -economic and political problems. However, our expectations from democracy are not always fulfilled. Sometimes it may work slowly, less efficiently, having a poor response or not working cleanly.
But in democracy, regular and free elections are held. Also, there is always scope for open public debate. The government is the people's own government as it has been elected by them. People wish to be ruled by the people they have elected. They also feel that this form of government is best for their country, thus giving it overwhelming support.

Section - C (4 marks each)

Ans23. i. d) All of the above
ii. d) All of the above
iii. b) right to vote for property owning men
iv. c) Abolition of state imposed restrictions

Ans24. i. a) Land resources
ii. d) All of the above
iii. b) Plains
iv. a)

Ans25. i. c) It divided power between a central authority and state level authority.
ii.  a) Legislation
iii. c) Constitutionally guaranteed
iv. b) Supreme Court

Ans26. i. b) Primary sector
ii. d) Primary sector
iii. c) All of these
iv. Agriculture and related sector

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Posted by :- Anuranjan Gadekar


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